Tag Archives: Functional

ACCU Meetup: Functional C++ (Phil Nash)

meetup-functional-cPhil Nash presented his ideas on functional C++ to a packed ACCU meeting a couple of weeks ago. He kindly provided the slides on his website.

For the uninitiated, the functional style is often quite a shock, but having written F# for some time, I’m in favour of “modelling computations as evaluations of expressions” as Phil presented it, or the declarative style as it’s often described. I wrote about Higher-Order Functions in C++ recently and Phil touched on that as well.

One of the highlights of the talk was the section on persistent data structures, which share as much of the previous state as possible whenever additional elements are added. For example, an associative binary tree could have a new element added, but retain links to the bulk of the original tree. There are challenges to stay balanced, but often the benefits can be worth it (e.g. a red-black, persistent tree that’s thread-safe because all the data is immutable). Phil also presented a Trie hybrid with hashing – a persistent tree structure, with performance similar to unordered_map, for which the hashing ensures no re-balancing is required.

The finale was a demonstration of pipelining for C++, based on std::optional (available from C++17). The recommendation was to watch Eric Niebler’s Ranges talk from CppCon 2015 for more details.

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Filed under C++, Meetup

Higher-Order functions in C++

The other day, I was writing some C++ and found that I was thinking about how to manipulate the data I had as if I was writing F#. It would have been convenient to turn a std::map into an array of tuples, which I could do in F# like this:

let f (xs : map<int,string) =
  let xs = xs |> Map.toArray
  // now treat xs as array of tuples...

There’s no function in STL to do this off the bat – instead, you have to roll your own (not that it’s much code, but it does break your through processes if you have to stop to code this sort of thing every time).

Of course, this is just one of many helpful F# higher-order functions that are provided in the F# Map module – and there are counterparts for each of the collection classes i.e. Array, Set, List etc. In C++, the nearest equivalent is the STL which provides both collection classes and a number of algorithms that operate on them. Better still, from C++11 onwards we have lambdas, which make using STL algorithms much easier. Even so, in most cases, the F# operations seem much more tailored to the sort of data transformation I see at work – our codebase is littered with map/filter/fold operations as people transform/select and accumulate data. Conversely, our C++ codebase is full of … for loops, evidence in my eyes that STL algorithms aren’t as immediately applicable. In fact, the ease of use of higher-order functions was one of the reasons that F# was quickly adopted in my workplace (along with immutability, strong-typing, conciseness, type inference and syntax checking).

I’ve written one-to-one C++ equivalents of the F# module functions that I use the most for Map and Vector – see below. Interestingly, I found that I really did have to ‘engage brain’ to write some of these, particularly Map.filter. For that one, you can’t use the erase-remove idiom because map keys are both const and strictly ordered (whereas for Vector, erase-remove_if implements filter neatly). A library of functions as per my code below would definitely be a productivity boost.

First, I’ve factored some common utilities into namespace Collection:

namespace MusingStudio
    namespace Collection
        template <typename C, typename F>
        C& filter( C& collection, F keep_predicate )
            auto erase_predicate = [&pred=keep_predicate]( auto&& x ){ return !pred( std::forward<decltype(x)>(x) ); };
            collection.erase( std::remove_if( collection.begin(), collection.end(), erase_predicate ), collection.end() );
            return collection;
        // This form of filter always takes a copy and applies the filter to it
        // - sometimes you want to preserve the original collection
        template <typename C, typename F>
        C filter_copy( const C& collection, F keep_predicate )
            C target;
            std::copy_if( collection.begin(), collection.end(), std::inserter( target, target.end() ), keep_predicate );
            return target;
        template <typename C, typename F, typename A>
        A fold( const C& items, F f, A&& init )
            A acc{ std::forward<A>(init) };
            for ( const auto& item : items )
                f( acc, item );
            return acc;
        // F( T ) -> T and collection C is mutated
        template <typename C, typename F>
        C& transform( C& items, F f )
            for ( auto& t : items )
                t = f( t );
            return items;


Next, here are the higher-order functions that I use for Map:

namespace MusingStudio
    namespace Map
        // filter_copy takes a copy of the original collection then applies the filter
        template< typename K, typename V, typename F>
        std::map<K,V> filter_copy( const std::map<K,V>& items, F predicate )
            return Collection::filter_copy( items, predicate );
        template< typename K, typename V, typename F>
        std::map<K,V>& filter( std::map<K,V>& items, F predicate )
            // NB the erase-remove_if idiom does not work for std::map
            // because the nodes must remain ordered by key.  This is enforced
            // by std::map<K,V> holding keys as const K.  So any assignment
            // to the key (to effecfively re-order the binary tree) fails to compile.
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9515357/map-lambda-remove-if
            // instead, manually iterate over the collection, erasing items
            // for which predicate() returns false
            for ( auto it = items.begin(), itEnd = items.end(); it != itEnd; )
                if ( predicate( *it ) )
                    ++it; // ok - keep this item
                    it = items.erase( it );
            return items;
        template <typename K, typename V>
        auto to_vector( const std::map<K,V>& collection )
            std::vector< std::pair<K,V> > items;
            for ( const auto& item : collection )
                items.push_back( std::make_pair( item.first, item.second ) );
            return items;
        template <typename K, typename V>
        auto keys( const std::map<K,V>& collection )
            std::set< K > items;
            for ( const auto& item : collection )
                items.insert( item.first );
            return items;
        template <typename K, typename V>
        auto values( const std::map<K,V>& collection )
            std::vector< V > items;
            for ( const auto& item : collection )
                items.push_back( item.second );
            return items;
        template<typename K, typename V, typename F, typename A>
        A fold( const std::map<K,V>& items, F f, A&& init )
            return Collection::fold( items, f, std::forward<A>(init) );
        // F( std::pair<K,V> ) -> std::pair< L, U >
        // Construct a new std::map<L,U> mapping from (K,V) to (L,U)
        template <typename K, typename V, typename F>
        auto map( const std::map<K,V>& items, F f )
            using KVP = typename std::map<K,V>::value_type;
            using RVP = decltype( f( KVP() ) );
            std::map< decltype( RVP().first ), decltype( RVP().second ) > result;
            for ( const KVP& kvp : items )
                result.insert( f( kvp ) );
            return result;
        // F( K, V ) -> V and std::map<K,V> is mutated
        template <typename K, typename V, typename F>
        std::map<K,V>& transform( std::map<K,V>& items, F f )
            using KVP = typename std::map<K,V>::value_type;
            for ( const KVP& kvp : items )
                items[kvp.first] = f( kvp.first, kvp.second );
            return items;

And here are the higher-order functions that I use for Vector:

namespace MusingStudio
    namespace Vector
        template< typename T, typename F>
        std::vector<T>& filter( std::vector<T>& items, F predicate )
            Collection::filter( items, predicate );
            return items;
        template< typename T, typename F>
        std::vector<T> filter_copy( const std::vector<T>& items, F predicate )
            return Collection::filter_copy( items, predicate );
        // Requires F to have signature void( A&, T )
        template< typename T, typename F, typename A>
        A fold( const std::vector<T>& items, F f, A&& init )
            return Collection::fold( items, f, std::forward<A>(init) );
        template< typename T, typename P = std::less<T> >
        std::vector<T>& sort( std::vector<T>& items, P compare = P() )
            std::sort( items.begin(), items.end(), compare );
            return items;
        template< typename T, typename P = std::less<T> >
        std::vector<T> sort_copy( const std::vector<T>& items, P compare = P() )
            std::vector<T> result( items );
            std::sort( result.begin(), result.end(), compare );
            return result;
        // F( T ) -> U, construct a new vector<U>, mapping from T to U
        template <typename T, typename F>
        auto map( const std::vector<T>& items, F f )
            using U = decltype( f(T()) );
            std::vector< U > result;
            std::transform( items.begin(), items.end(), std::inserter( result, result.end() ), f );
            return result;
        // F( T ) -> T and std::vector<T> is mutated
        template <typename T, typename F>
        std::vector<T>& transform( std::vector<T>& items, F f )
            return Collection::transform( items, f );

Here are some unit tests that show how much easier it is to use the Map/Vector functions instead of going directly to STL – I’d argue that this code is comparable to F# for conciseness (although F# code would still benefit from pipelining subsequent operations).

#include <iostream>

#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <Vector.hpp>
#include <Map.hpp>

using namespace testing;
using namespace MusingStudio;

TEST( Map, to_vector )
    using Mapped = std::map<int, std::string>;
    using Tuples = std::vector<std::pair<int,std::string> >;
    Mapped items{ { 1, "Hi" }, { 2, "Bye" } };
    EXPECT_EQ( (Tuples{ { 1, "Hi" }, { 2, "Bye" } }), 
      Map::to_vector( items ) );

TEST( Map, keys )
    using Mapped = std::map<int, std::string>;
    using Keys = std::set<int>;
    Mapped items{ { 1, "Hi" }, { 2, "Bye" } };
    EXPECT_EQ( (Keys{ 1, 2 }), 
      Map::keys( items ) );

TEST( Map, values )
    using Mapped = std::map<int, std::string>;
    using Values = std::vector<std::string>;
    Mapped items{ { 1, "Hi" }, { 2, "Bye" } };
    EXPECT_EQ( (Values{ "Hi", "Bye" }), 
      Map::values( items ) );

TEST( Map, filter )
    using Mapped = std::map<int, int>;
    Mapped items{ {1,1}, {2,4}, {3,9}, {4,16} };
    Mapped even_keys{ {2,4},{4,16} };
    auto lambda = []( const auto& keyvaluepair ){ return keyvaluepair.first % 2 == 0; };
    // Map::filter will mutate parameter 'items'
    EXPECT_EQ( even_keys, 
      Map::filter( items, lambda ) );
    EXPECT_EQ( 2, items.size() );

TEST( Map, filter_copy )
    using Mapped = std::map<int, int>;
    Mapped items{ {1,1}, {2,4}, {3,9}, {4,16} };
    Mapped even_keys{ {2,4},{4,16} };
    auto lambda = []( const auto& keyvaluepair ){ return keyvaluepair.first % 2 == 0; };
    // Map::filter_copy creates a copy, so parameter 'items' is untouched
    EXPECT_EQ( even_keys, 
      Map::filter_copy( items, lambda ) );
    EXPECT_EQ( 4, items.size() );

TEST( Map, fold )
    using Mapped = std::map<int, int>;
    Mapped items{ {1,2}, {3,4}, {5,6} };
    // Map::fold takes F( A&, pair<K,V> ) -> void
    EXPECT_EQ( 21, 
      Map::fold( items, 
        []( int& acc, const auto& kvp ){ acc += kvp.first + kvp.second; }, 0 ) );

TEST( Map, transform_mutable_values_only )
    using Transformed = std::map<int, int>;

    // Map::transform over the values, mutating them
    // Takes F(K,V) -> V i.e. the type of the return value must be V
    // "items" must be a named variable because parameter is non-const
    // (we will mutate it)
    Transformed items = { {1,1}, {2,2}, {3,3} };
    EXPECT_EQ( (Transformed{ {1,1}, {2,4}, {3,9} }),
      Map::transform( items, 
        []( int _, int v ){ return v*v; } ) );

TEST( Map, map_keys_and_values )
    using Mapped = std::map<int,double>;
    // Map::map over the pairs<key,value>
    // Takes F( pair<K,V> ) -> pair<K',V'> 
    // i.e. both key and value types can change
    auto lambda =
        []( const auto& kvp )
            return std::make_pair( kvp.first + kvp.second,
                                   (double)kvp.second / (double)kvp.first );
    // Map::map - new keys and values, not mutating the original collection, 
    // can be passed as unnamed temporary
    EXPECT_EQ( (Mapped{ {2,1}, {6,2} }),
      Map::map( std::map<int,int>{ {1,1}, {2,4} }, lambda ) );

TEST( Vector, filter )
    std::vector<int> items{ 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 };

    // Vector::filter will mutate the input collection
    EXPECT_EQ( (std::vector<int>{1,2,2,1}),
      Vector::filter( items,
        [](int i){ return 0 <= i && i <= 2; } ) );
    EXPECT_EQ( 4, items.size() );

TEST( Vector, filter_copy )
    std::vector<int> items{ 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1 };
    auto untouched_size = items.size();
    // Vector::filter_copy creates a copy, so parameter 'items' is untouched
    EXPECT_EQ( (std::vector<int>{1,2,2,1}),
      Vector::filter_copy( items,
        [](int i){ return 0 <= i && i <= 2; } ) );
    EXPECT_EQ( untouched_size, items.size() );

TEST( Vector, fold )
    std::vector<int> items{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -4, -6, -2, -1 };
    // Vector::fold takes F( A&, T ) -> void
    auto accumulate_squares = []( std::set<int>& acc, int i ){ acc.insert(i*i); };
    std::set<int> expected{1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36};
    EXPECT_EQ( expected, 
      Vector::fold( items, accumulate_squares, std::set<int>{} ) );

TEST( Vector, sort )
    // Vector::sort mutates the input, hence input is non-const reference
    std::vector<int> items{1,2,1,3};
    EXPECT_EQ( (std::vector<int>{1,1,2,3}), 
      Vector::sort( items ) );

TEST( Vector, sort_copy )
    // Vector::sort_copy copies the input collection,
    // so collection parameter is const& (and can be an unnamed temporary)
    EXPECT_EQ( (std::vector<int>{1,1,2,3}), 
      Vector::sort_copy( std::vector<int>{1,2,1,3} ) );

TEST( Vector, map )
    // Vector::map takes F(T) -> U
    // Input collection is const and a new collection is returned
    EXPECT_EQ( (std::vector<double>{ 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 }),
      Vector::map( std::vector<int>{ 1,2,3 },
        []( int i ){ return (double)i + 0.1; } ) );

TEST( Vector, transform )
    // Vector::transform takes F(T) -> T
    // Input collection is mutated
    std::vector<int> items{ 1, 2, 3 };
    EXPECT_EQ( (std::vector<int>{ 2, 4, 6 }),
      Vector::transform( items, []( int i ){ return 2*i; } ) );

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
    InitGoogleMock( &argc, argv );
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();   

Notice that we can bypass immutability in C++, so whereas in F# Map::filter would always create a copy, it could be preferable in C++ to filter in-place. With that in mind, I’ve written both filter and filter_copy variations. There’s a similar dilemma for map operations – if you want free rein over the output types, then use Map::map or Vector::map. But if you want to transform the data in place (sticking to the existing types), use Map::transform or Vector::transform.

That covers the most popular functions for just Map and Vector, but it would be straight-forward to extend the library to cover List, Set and others. Similarly, I’d like to extend it to include higher-order functions like Choose, but I’ll need C++17’s std::optional for that.


Filed under C++, C++ Code, Programming

How to define an interface with overloaded methods in F#

In F#, it’s possible to write both object-oriented and/or functional programs.  This means that a task that would be straight-forward in C++, defining an abstract interface containing overloaded methods, is also possible in F#.  However, you have to get the syntax exactly right, otherwise you get obscure compiler errors which could mis-lead you into thinking it isn’t possible after all.  For example, to use overloads, you must define multi-parameter methods using tuples.

type IBlog =
  abstract Write : DateTime * string * string -> IBlog
  abstract Write : string -> IBlog

type MusingStudio =
  interface IBlog with
    member this.Write (entryDate : DateTime, subject : string, body : string) =
      // publish blog entry
      (this :> IBlog)

    member this.Write (subject : string) =
      // automatically generate body and publish (!)
      (this :> IBlog)

Note the syntax of the abstract method declarations carefully.  As per this helpful post on StackOverflow, putting brackets around the tuple changes the signature and leads to confusing compiler errors:

type IBlog =
  abstract Write : (DateTime * string * string) -> IBlog // don't do this!
  abstract Write : string -> IBlog

Whilst it’s possible to implement the interface above and call into it, the syntax to do so involves additional brackets and is unnecessarily clunky.  The syntax at the top of this article is preferable:

let blog = WordPress( "MusingStudio") :> IBlog// create blog
.Write( "How to overload in F#" )
.Write( DateTime.Now, "Book Review: Make Me, Lee Child", "Is this the best Jack Reacher so far?")

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Filed under F#, Programming

Ten reasons (not) to use a functional programming language

Amusing tongue-in-cheek rant by FSharpForFunAndProfit about why you *should* use a functional programming language.

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Filed under F#

F# equivalent of C++ ‘Most vexing Parse’

I first read of the C++ “Most Vexing Parse” in the Scott Meyers Effective C++ series. For reference, here’s the code:

double aDouble;
int i(int(aDouble)); // This doesn't do what you think

The commented line actually declares a function i that takes a single integer parameter and returns an integer. Now, today, I saw something similar in F# that made me scratch my head and I think is similar:

let func a b c =
    return a + b + c

let main () =
    let sum = func a b
    // use sum

The symptom was that my function (here, called func) wasn’t being called. Yet stepping through in the debugger, I could break on the line that called it – yet it wouldn’t step into the function! Of course, by missing one of func’s parameters in the function call, I’d actually declared sum to be a new function taking one parameter (or to use functional terminology, I’d curried a and b).

This is hard to spot when the calling code and function declaration are in separate files and when you’ve added a new parameter to the function and it still compiles but doesn’t do what you expected!

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cpplinq – functional style for C++ using lambdas

I’ve just tried out CppLinq, a C++11 library that brings LINQ-style syntax into scope for C++ programmers that are used to writing code in a functional style. I’ve been using C++11 lambdas with STL algorithms like foreach, transform, accumulate – but this syntax using where, for_each, sum and ‘>>’ to chain commands together is so much neater. In fact, it brings C++11 style very close to the succinct F# piping style that is so popular.

To use cpplinq, you can just download a single header file and include it in your code. Awesome – having just battled for hours to use some other 3rd party library which required multiple libs, source files and compiler switches, this is so easy by comparison.

This Dr Dobbs article has several code examples which act as an simple tutorial.

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Filed under C++, Programming

Surge in popularity of F#

InfoWorld reports that F# is becoming ever more popular. It has risen from 69th to 12th in the Tiobe Programming Community Index.

I’ve been writing F# code for over 3 years and I get the appeal – there are some algorithms that are so much easier to implement in F# than in C++ (particularly when they can be neatly expressed with the additional data structures that F# provides, like discriminated unions).

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Filed under Programming

C++: functional programming and type classes

Functional C++ posted an article introducing type classes for C++.

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Filed under C++, Programming

Algorithmic Interview questions (with solutions in F#)

InFSharpMajor.com is working through a book of algorithmic interview questions and solving them in F#. The questions come from this book which provides solutions in C++.

I think the problems and solution algorithms are interesting in their own right. I found the F# solutions a bit opaque (and I’ve been writing F# for several years), but my colleagues from a functional (*cough* Haskell) background tell me the idioms are well recognised in the community.

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Filed under Programming, Soft skills

F# Software Foundation

The F# community has founded a new organisation to promote the use of F# – FSSF

The mission of the F# Software Foundation is to promote, protect, and advance the F# programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of F# programmers.

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Filed under Programming