Tag Archives: GTest

C++17: Structured Bindings

This is one of a series of posts on C++17 features – see also previous post on if initialisers.

Structured bindings are a convenient way of handling multiple return values from functions. Whilst F# has been able to do this:

let f() = 42, "Hello, World" // return a pair of values
let a, b = f() // assign a and b to the values returned by f

in C++, we’ve had to declare the variables up front and use std::tie to assign values (so not only does this take more lines, we also have to default initialise the variables then throw away the defaults).

auto t = std::make_tuple( 42, "Hello, World" );
int a, b;
std::tie( a, b ) = t;

The new structured bindings are much more concise, even if the use of square brackets came as a surprise. Even better, you can use structured bindings with structs and std::array.

int my_int{ 42 };
std::string my_string{ "Hello, World" };
bool my_bool{ true };

auto return_pair()
    return std::make_pair( my_int, my_string );

auto return_tuple()
    return std::make_tuple( my_int, my_string, my_bool );

struct MyStruct
    int a;
    double b;
    int c;
    static MyStruct Expected;

MyStruct MyStruct::Expected = { 1, 2.2, 3 };

auto return_struct()
    return MyStruct::Expected;

auto return_array()
    return std::array<int,3>{ 1, 2, 3 };

auto return_map()
    return std::map<int, std::string>{ {1, "a"}, {2, "b"}, {3, "c"} };

TEST( Cpp17, structured_bindings_for_pair )
    auto [i, s] = return_pair();
    EXPECT_EQ( my_int, i );
    EXPECT_EQ( my_string, s );

TEST( Cpp17, structured_bindings_for_tuple )
    auto [i, s, b] = return_tuple();
    EXPECT_EQ( my_int, i );
    EXPECT_EQ( my_string, s );
    EXPECT_EQ( my_bool, b );

TEST( Cpp17, structured_bindings_for_struct )
    auto [i1, d, i2] = return_struct();
    EXPECT_EQ( MyStruct::Expected.a, i1 );
    EXPECT_EQ( MyStruct::Expected.b, d );
    EXPECT_EQ( MyStruct::Expected.c, i2 );

TEST( Cpp17, structured_bindings_for_array )
    auto [i1, i2, i3] = return_array();
    EXPECT_EQ( 1, i1 );
    EXPECT_EQ( 2, i2 );
    EXPECT_EQ( 3, i3 );

TEST( Cpp17, structured_bindings_for_iterating_over_map )
    for ( const auto& [key,value] : return_map() )
        switch (key)
            case 1: EXPECT_EQ( "a", value ); break;
            case 2: EXPECT_EQ( "b", value ); break;
            case 3: EXPECT_EQ( "c", value ); break;
            default: break;            

For me, the best examples come when combining features – the range-based for loop with structured bindings is a thing of beauty.

See also next C++17 post.


Filed under C++, C++ Code, Programming

C++17: if initialiser

I attended a C++17 presentation by Nicolai Josuttis last year, but at the time, my laptop’s compiler didn’t support any of the features to try them out. After a recent update, it turns out that many are now supported, so I’ve written a few unit tests using GTest.

The first feature I tried was the if initialiser. This feature looks a bit odd at first, because C++ programmers are so conditioned to seeing if statements containing a single condition. Allowing an initialiser statement as well

if ( initialiser; condition )

means that you can initialise a variable and test it on the same line. It also prevents the variable being used outside the scope of the if statement – this prevents accidental re-use if you subsequently mis-type a variable name.

auto return_int()
   return 101;

TEST( Cpp17, if_initialiser )
    // NB we can use i in the body of the if or the else
    // Also, must have a variable name for the object to live in the whole statement
    // (so must name locks taken, even if not used in the body, otherwise it's a temporary).
    if ( auto i = return_int(); i < 100 )
        EXPECT_TRUE( i < 100 );
        EXPECT_TRUE( i >= 100 );

TEST( Cpp17, if_initialiser_with_map_insert)
    std::map<int, std::string> my_map{ {42, "Hi" } };
    if ( auto[it, inserted] = my_map.insert( std::make_pair(42, "Bye" ) ); !inserted )
        // See also StructuredBindings for iterating over a map
        auto& [key,value] = *it; // iterator is pair of key and value
        EXPECT_EQ( 42, key );
        EXPECT_EQ( "Hi", value );
        value = "Bye"; // update the value
        EXPECT_EQ( "Bye", my_map[42] );
        // key = 43; // compile error! - cannot assign to const key-type

See also next post on C++17 Structured Bindings.

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Filed under C++, C++ Code, Programming

C++ London Meetup: Dependency Injection and Clang Tooling

meetup-c-londonPhil Nash organised another C++ London meet-up at SkillsMatter last week. The first talk was by Pete Goldsborough, who gave a rapid overview of the Clang tooling libraries. The second talk was by Kris Jusiak, who talked through the motivation and usage of his Boost::DI dependency injection library. This was more relevant to my work because Kris’s example showed how Boost.DI aims to reduce the overhead in setting up test scenarios for GTest/GMock. I’ve been pretty happy with the way my unit tests look so far, but next time I’ll definitely look at whether his injector object could simplify my code.

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How to generate tests under GTest

One of the many features provided by GTest is the ability to generate test at runtime. One useful application of this is that you can execute data-driven testing by obtaining a list of test file names, then generating a test for each of them. It’s actually very simple to do this in GTest – they call these value-parameterized tests (see documentation). Here’s a snippet of code to demonstrate how little overhead is involved:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>

using namespace testing;

// placeholder - could be used for test setup/cleanup
class MyTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string>

TEST_P( MyTest, IntegrationTest )
    std::string test_file_name = GetParam();

    // open file and run the integration test

std::vector<std::string> test_file_names();

INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P( MyLibraryName, MyTest, test::ValuesIn( test_file_names() ) );

On one hand, this approach isn’t really in the spirit of unit test – data-driven tests have a habit of quickly escalating to integration tests between libraries. However, such integration tests also have their place in a testing strategy, and this is a neat way to accomplish it with minimal overhead.

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Filed under C++, C++ Code, Programming

How to Integrate GTest into Visual Studio 2010

I’m using GTest for C++ unit tests and have found a neat way to integrate this into Visual Studio 2010. It’s very low-tech, but works pretty well – see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6414788/how-can-i-add-a-custom-command-to-visual-studio

  • Go to Tools | External Tools… to add the command line running your GTest executable
  • In the dialog, browse to your command, add the command line arguments, and be sure to select “Use Output window”
  • Count up the external tools to identify the index of your new one (starting at one, not zero)
  • Create/customize a toolbar – click “Add Command” and pick your new tool under category Tools, External Commands 1,2,3 … n
  • Edit the name using “Modify Selection”

That’s it! Now, your command runs inside Visual Studio and writes into the output window. Even better, if there’s a test failure that includes the source location, you can double-click on it to go to that line in the editor.

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Filed under C++, Programming

Unit Testing with GTest and GMock

In recent years, I’ve found myself writing less user interface code and more server code (typically COM servers that are exercised on client workstations or on nodes in a compute farm). Given the lack of a UI for driving and testing the code (excepting spreadsheets), automated tests are vital to achieve a high degree of code coverage.
The Art Of Unit Testing
Given that I’ve been doing this for years now, I was surprised to learn that I haven’t been writing unit tests, as I previously supposed. According to The Art of Unit Testing, the tests I’ve been writing are typically interaction tests. These are useful too, but unless a component can be tested in isolation with tests that run without delay due to network/database interaction, it isn’t a unit test.

Since reading the book, I’ve adopted the Google Test framework for both writing unit tests and implementing mock objects to accompany the tests. Without a good library for writing mock objects, you’re dragged straight back in to writing tests that call other objects in your library. With GMock, you can easily create mock objects and inject behaviour into them in order to test your server code in various scenarios. Using GTest and GMock is easy – just call RUN_ALL_TESTS() in main, and the framework discovers all the unit test you’ve written and launches them:

#include "gmock\gmock.h"
using namespace testing;

// Start writing unit tests here!

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    ::InitGoogleMock( &amp;argc, argv );
    return RUN_ALL_TESTS();

Here’s a simple example that defines a WeatherStation interface and a UserInterface class. We wish to test the UserInterface, but the weather station isn’t written yet – so we define a MockWeatherStation, and set up tests to invoke the UserInterface in different situations:

#include "gmock\gmock.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <memory>

class WeatherStation
    virtual ~WeatherStation(){};

    typedef enum
        North, South, East, West
    } Direction;

    typedef enum
        Optimistic, Pessimistic
    } Outlook;

    // NB Semantics on wind deliberately ugly to show a neat feature in gmock
    virtual void wind( Direction* pDirection, double* strength ) const = 0;
    virtual double rainfall() const = 0;
    virtual std::string prediction( Outlook outlook ) const = 0;

class UserInterface
    UserInterface( const std::shared_ptr<WeatherStation>& weather_station ) :
        weather_station_( weather_station )

    typedef enum
        Heavy, Medium, Light
    } Range;

    Range rain()
        auto rainfall = weather_station_->rainfall();
        if ( 0.0 <= rainfall && rainfall < 2.0 ) return Light;
        else if ( 2.0 <= rainfall && rainfall < 4.0 ) return Medium;
        else return Heavy;

    Range wind()
        WeatherStation::Direction direction;
        double strength;
        weather_station_->wind( &direction, &strength );

        if ( 0.0 <= strength && strength < 5.0 ) return Light;
        else if ( 5.0 <= strength && strength < 10.0 ) return Medium;
        else return Heavy;

    std::pair<std::string, std::string> predict_range()
        return std::make_pair( 
            weather_station_->prediction( WeatherStation::Optimistic ),
            weather_station_->prediction( WeatherStation::Pessimistic ) );

    std::shared_ptr<WeatherStation> weather_station_;

using namespace testing;

class MockWeatherStation : public WeatherStation
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD0( rainfall, double() );
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD2( wind, void(WeatherStation::Direction*, double*) );
    MOCK_CONST_METHOD1( prediction, std::string( WeatherStation::Outlook ) );

TEST( WeatherStationUserInterface, rain_should_be_heavy )
    auto weather_station = std::make_shared<MockWeatherStation>();
    // GMock: specify a simple return value using Return(x)
    // Here, part of the test is that the Mock should be called once,
    // hence the 'WillOnce' call (more than one call would be an error).
    // If multiple calls should happen during the test, 
    // use 'WillRepeatedly' instead.
    EXPECT_CALL( *weather_station, rainfall() )
        .WillOnce( Return(5.0) );
    UserInterface ui( weather_station );
    EXPECT_EQ( UserInterface::Heavy, ui.rain() );

TEST( WeatherStationUserInterface, wind_should_be_light )
    auto weather_station = std::make_shared<MockWeatherStation>();
    // GMock: specify out parameter values using SetArgPointee
    EXPECT_CALL( *weather_station, wind(_,_) )
        .WillOnce( DoAll( SetArgPointee<0>( WeatherStation::North ),
                          SetArgPointee<1>( 0.5 )) );
    UserInterface ui( weather_station );
    EXPECT_EQ( UserInterface::Light, ui.wind() );

TEST( WeatherStationUserInterface, predictions_are_displayed )
    auto weather_station = std::make_shared<MockWeatherStation>();
    // GMock: inject more complex logic using C++11 lambdas,
    // and pattern match on the input value
    EXPECT_CALL( *weather_station, prediction(WeatherStation::Optimistic) )
        .WillOnce( Invoke( []( WeatherStation::Outlook _ ) -> std::string
                return "Sunny";
            }) );
    EXPECT_CALL( *weather_station, prediction(WeatherStation::Pessimistic) )
        .WillOnce( Invoke( []( WeatherStation::Outlook _ ) -> std::string
                return "Overcast";
            }) );

    UserInterface ui( weather_station );
    auto predicted_range = ui.predict_range();
    EXPECT_EQ( "Sunny", predicted_range.first );
    EXPECT_EQ( "Overcast", predicted_range.second );

When you run the executable, it’s easy to spot if the tests pass or fail:

As a bonus, Visual Studio 2012 has neat integration for GoogleTest:

See also


Filed under C++, C++ Code, Programming