Tag Archives: Algorithms

Tech Book: Algorithms in a Nutshell, Heineman, Pollice & Selkow

algorithmsinanutshellI really enjoyed reading this book, probably the best endorsement I can give for a technical book. The authors introduced the common computer science algorithms that you would expect in a good desktop reference, giving each a block of pseudo code, some analysis of algorithmic complexity and implementation trade-offs, and finally a proper implementation in a standard programming language (usually Java). The later chapters cover slightly more advanced techniques, typically with a practical example. My favourite was their randomised algorithm for estimating a solution to the famous “n-queens” problem (developed by Knuth in 1975).
Five Stars

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How to efficiently find the n’th biggest element in a collection

Looking at std::nth_element the other day, I noticed that it’s complexity is O(n) for a collection of size n, and wondered how that was achieved. A basic implementation of an algorithm to find the ith-biggest element might start by sorting the collection and index to the ith afterwards – complexity O(n*log(n)):

int ith_element_by_sorting( std::vector<int> input, int i )
    std::sort( std::begin(input), std::end(input) );
    return input[i];

It’s a small step to realise then that you don’t need to sort all n elements of the collection – only the first i elements, so complexity O(n*log(i)):

int ith_element_by_partial_sort( std::vector<int> input, int i )
    std::partial_sort( std::begin( input ), std::begin( input ) + i + 1, std::end( input ) );
    return input[i];

But the real trick is that you don’t need to do any sorting at all. That’s the approach taken by quickselect, which is the selection sibling to quicksort, and achieves O(n) complexity on average:

int partition( std::vector<int>& values, int left, int right, int pivot )
     auto pivotValue = values[ pivot ];

     std::swap( values[pivot], values[right] ); // Move pivot to end
     auto store_pos = left;

     for ( int j = left; j < right; ++j )
         if ( values[j] < pivotValue )
             std::swap( values[ store_pos ], values[j] );

     std::swap( values[right], values[ store_pos ] );  // Move pivot to its final place

     return store_pos;

int quickselect( std::vector<int> values, int left, int right, int i )
    // Unordered - no need to sort values at all, 
    // instead we recursively partition only the subset of values
    // containing the i'th element, until we have either
    // a) trivial subset of 1
    // b) pivot is moved to exactly the location we wanted 
    while( 1 )
         if ( left == right )
             return values[left];

         // Pick a pivot from middle of values.
         // Better options are a random pivot or median of 3
         auto pivot = (left + right)/2; 

         // Move anything smaller than values[pivot] to the left of pivot,
         // and return updated position of pivot
         pivot = partition( values, left, right, pivot );

         if ( pivot == i )
             return values[i];
         else if ( i < pivot )
             right = pivot - 1;
             left = pivot + 1;

int ith_element_by_quickselect( const std::vector<int>& input, int i )
    return quickselect( input, 0, input.size()-1, i );

int ith_element( const std::vector<int>& input, int i )
    if ( i < 0 || i >= input.size() )
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "Input '" << i << "' outside range [0," << input.size() << ")";
        throw std::out_of_range( ss.str() );

    return ith_element_by_quickselect( input, i );

Here’s some test code to check that the implementation works:

template <typename F, typename T>
void should_be( T t, F f, const std::string& message )
        std::ostringstream ss;

        auto got = f();
        if ( got != t )
            ss << message << " got " << got << ", expected " << t;
            throw std::runtime_error( ss.str() );
            ss << "OK: " << message << ": got " << got;
            std::cout << ss.str() << "\n";
    catch( const std::exception& ex )
        // Report error if either f() threw or we found unexpected value
        std::cout << "ERROR: " << ex.what() << "\n";

template <typename F>
void should_throw( F f, const std::string& message )
    catch( const std::exception& ex )
        std::cout << "OK: " << message << ": threw \"" << ex.what() << "\"\n";

    std::cout << "ERROR: " << message << " should have thrown\n";

#define SHOULD_BE( t, expr ) should_be( t, [](){ return expr; }, #expr )
#define SHOULD_THROW( expr ) should_throw( [](){ expr; }, #expr )

void testIthElement()
    SHOULD_THROW( ith_element( {}, 0 ) );
    SHOULD_THROW( ith_element( {1,2}, -1 ) );
    SHOULD_THROW( ith_element( {1,2,3}, 3 ) );

    SHOULD_BE( 1, ith_element( {1}, 0 ) );
    SHOULD_BE( 0, ith_element( {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 0 ) );
    SHOULD_BE( 2, ith_element( {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, 2 ) );
    SHOULD_BE( 6, ith_element( {5,4,7,6,1,2,0,8,3}, 6 ) );
    SHOULD_BE( 8, ith_element( {5,4,7,6,1,2,0,8,3}, 8 ) );
    SHOULD_BE( 5, ith_element( {5,5,5,5,5,5}, 1 ) );

Here’s the output:

In fact, reviewing old posts on this blog, I found this link that dates back to 2013, when std::nth_element was only required by the standard to have worst-case O(N^2) complexity, with O(N) on average – precisely what you’d get from quickselect. Now though, thanks to introselect, O(N) is possible.

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Tech Book: 9 Algorithms that Changed the Future, John MacCormick

AlgorithmsThatChangedTheFutureThis excellent book introduces algorithms that are heavily used in daily life, yet are unknown to the general public. The author aims to introduce them without requiring advanced knowledge:

I assumed that the great algorithms would fall into two catagories. The first category would be algorithms with some simple yet clever trick at their core – a trick that could be explained without requiring any technical knowledge. The second category would be algorithms that depended so intimately on advanced computer science … Imagine my surprise and delight when I discovered that all the chosen algorithms fell into the second category!

The book is a fun read and despite knowing some of the details already, it helped to build my appreciation of the algorithms and their applications.

The algorithms covered are:

  • Search engine indexing
  • PageRank
  • Public key cryptography
  • Error-correcting codes
  • Pattern recognition
  • Data compression
  • Databases – reliability and consistency
  • Digital signatures

There’s also an excellent chapter on unsolvable problems, with a nod to Alan Turing.

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Going Native 2013 – ‘new’ STL algorithms

I’ve watched a few of the Going Native 2013 videos now and, whilst I was impressed by Herb Sutter’s games written in Cinder, I particularly like the slide and gather algorithms demonstrated by Sean Parent in his C++ seasoning presentation:

template<typename Iter>
auto slide(Iter begin, Iter end, Iter target) -> std::pair<Iter,Iter>
    if (target < begin) return std::make_pair( target, std::rotate(target, begin, end) );
    if (end < target) return std::make_pair( std::rotate( begin, end, target ), target );
    return std::make_pair( begin, end );

template<typename Iter, typename Pred>
auto gather(Iter begin, Iter end, Iter target, Pred predicate) -> std::pair<Iter,Iter>
    auto start = std::stable_partition( begin, target, std::not1(predicate) );
    auto finish = std::stable_partition( target, end, predicate );
    return std::make_pair(start, finish);

Whilst I haven’t used std::rotate or std::stable_partition, I’m sure to use these two algorithms built on top of them, probably because their behaviour is so much easier to describe.

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Algorithmic Interview questions (with solutions in F#)

InFSharpMajor.com is working through a book of algorithmic interview questions and solving them in F#. The questions come from this book which provides solutions in C++.

I think the problems and solution algorithms are interesting in their own right. I found the F# solutions a bit opaque (and I’ve been writing F# for several years), but my colleagues from a functional (*cough* Haskell) background tell me the idioms are well recognised in the community.

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