Tag Archives: gcc

Examples of SFINAE (by Jonathan Wakely at ACCU 2013)

I’m currently attending ACCU2013 at Bristol and saw Jonathan Wakely’s presentation on SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error) this morning.

This is a traditional SFINAE example using type traits.  true_type and false_type just need to have different sizes, then we can use function template specialization to differentiate between two cases.

typedef char true_type;
typedef double false_type;
template<class T>
true_type is_iter( typename T::iterator_category* t );
template<class T>
false_type is_iter(...);
template<class T>
struct is_iterator
  static const bool value =
    (sizeof(is_iter<T>(0)) == sizeof(true_type));

void testTypeTrait()
    << "Try int " << is_iterator<int>::value << "\n";
    << "Try vector<int>::iterator "
    << is_iterator<std::vector<int>::iterator>::value << "\n";

This example later in the presentation really stood out – a step towards Concepts, it shows syntax available today for restricting the types that will compile with a given template (thanks to C++11 aliasing and default arguments for template parameters):

class WidgetBase

class Widget : public WidgetBase

class Bodget

class Decorator
template<class T>
using IsDerivedWidget = typename std::enable_if<
        std::is_base_of<WidgetBase, T>::value>::type;

template<class T,
class Requires = IsDerivedWidget<T>>
Decorator( const T& )

So if I instantiate Decorator with Widget, it compiles (because Widget derives from WidgetBase), but instantiating with Bodget yields a compiler error (because Bodget does not inherit from WidgetBase).

Widget w;
Decorator decoratedWidget( w );
Bodget b;
Decorator decoratedBodget( b ); // Error

This code all compiles with recent versions of gcc (e.g. 4.7).  Under Visual Studio, only the traditional example compiles (default arguments for function templates are not yet supported, neither is aliasing, not even with the Nov ’12 CTP).

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Filed under C++ Code

GCC 4.8 released

GCC 4.8 has been released. This version uses C++ in its implementation (previously it was C only).

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Online C++ Compilers

Today I took a look at some Online C++ compilers – this would have been very useful when checking portability of some code in my recent post on C++11 Concurrency.

First, here’s LiveWorkspace.org which makes g++ 4.72 and 4.8 available as well as clang 3.2:


Second, Rise4Fun allows you to try Visual Studio:

As anticipated, the Counter class (which contains a mutable member of type int&) compiles under Visual Studio, but doesn’t under clang 3.2 or gcc (which is correct according to the C++ standard). What’s great about LiveWorkspace is how quickly you can switch between compilers to see how they like the same code. For example, the amended code that treats int& as a template parameter compiles under g++ 4.7.2 and 4.8, but doesn’t under clang 3.2:

#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
class Counter
  mutable T m_t;
  Counter(T t) : m_t(t){}
  void Increment() const { ++m_t; }

int main()
  int count = 0;
  Counter<int&> counter(count);
  std::cout << count << "\n";
  return 0;

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Writing C++11 concurrency code on Linux Mint with gcc 4.7.2

I’ve written some C++11 concurrency code in VS2012 with the November CTP and wanted to test if it would also run on Linux compiled with gcc – hence the effort to upgrade my laptop over the last couple of days. The upgrade worked fine – I’m quite impressed with Linux Mint and with CodeBlocks. Unfortunately, gcc 4.7.2 has left me disappointed.

Firstly, I tried to compile my whole concurrency project – I was expecting a few minor tweaks (gcc was stricter on how I declare my template functions), then I hit this Internal Compiler Error:

Concurrency.cpp:156:1: internal compiler error: in get_expr_operands, at tree-ssa-operands.c:1035

Apparently, this bug has been fixed but not yet released – it’s due to calling a member function from a lambda in a templated class. So I thought I’d cut my code down, eliminate the lambdas and focus on std::thread and std::condition_variable. Still no joy, this time the program aborted:


In fact, it seems this is a long standing issue. And the code to provoke it is hardly pushing the boundaries of threading:

void sayHelloWorld()
    std::cout << "Hello World\n";

int main()
    std::thread talk( sayHelloWorld );
    return 0; 

Looking on the bright side, gcc 4.8 should be along soon and I’m sure the support for std::thread and lambdas will be working by then. In the meantime, I’ll be hanging out with VS2012 Nov CTP.

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