Category Archives: Java

Tech Book: Effective Java, 3rd Edition, Joshua Bloch

Effective Java, 3rd EditionI’ve just finished reading this technical book on Java. It’s widely recommended if you’re going to work on a Java codebase and provides best practice guidelines on:

  1. Creating and Destroying Objects
  2. Methods Common to all Objects (such as hashCode and toString)
  3. Classes and Interfaces
  4. Generics
  5. Enums and Annotations
  6. Lambdas and Streams
  7. Exceptions
  8. Concurrency
  9. Serialization

Although there isn’t the humour that I’d associate with the Scott Meyer’s Effective C++ series, I’ll definitely refer to this one in the future.

Java Fundamentals, Jim WilsonThis book isn’t the starting place for learning Java though (and doesn’t intend to be). For that, it’s worth turning to a more basic set of materials. I worked through a PluralSight course, Java Fundamentals.

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