Monthly Archives: December 2012

Experimental code for simulating Reflection in C++

Motivation for looking at Reflection in C++

At work, we have two frameworks for developing new components – one in C++ and the other in F#. The F# framework is newer and benefits from the insight of previous years working with the C++ framework. In particular, the new F# framework only requires developers to implement a reduced, strongly typed interface in F# by defining a few types (e.g. records) and associated functions between them. This reduced interface is inflated into a full model by the framework, making heavy use of .NET Reflection.

The F# framework has delivered productivity improvements (development time down to a third compared to the previous C++ framework). But the philosophical question remains – how much of that is due to the new architecture developed with the benefit of hindsight? And could we replicate that architecture in C++? The main functionality gap comes down to this: in F# you can use .NET Reflection to discover the names and types of fields in F# types such as unions, records and options, but in C++ you can’t.


A full implementation of Reflection for C++ would include ability to discover type information, field names, properties and methods, as well as being able to create instances of types and invoke methods.  I’m interested in a small subset of that scope – the ability to discover the names and values of fields in a C++ struct.


#include "stdafx.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <boost\preprocessor.hpp>
#include <boost\preprocessor\variadic\size.hpp>
#include <boost\type_traits.hpp>

#include <boost\mpl\range_c.hpp>
#include <boost\mpl\for_each.hpp>

#define REMOVE_BRACKETS(...) __VA_ARGS__
#define REMOVE_NEXT(x)

#define REFLECTABLE(...) \
  static const int number_of_fields = BOOST_PP_VARIADIC_SIZE(__VA_ARGS__); \
  friend struct Reflector; \
  template<int N, class Parent = void> \
  struct FieldData {}; \

#define REFLECT_EACH(r, data, i, x) \
  template<class Parent> \
  struct FieldData<i, Parent> \
  { \
    Parent & parent; \
    FieldData(Parent& p) : parent(p) {} \
    TYPE_ONLY x ) & get() const \
    { \
      return parent.STRIP_TYPE(x); \
    const char * name() const \
    } \
  }; \

struct Reflector
  // Get a FieldData instance for the N'th field in type T
  template<int N, class T>
  static typename T::template FieldData<N, T> getFieldData(T& x)
    return typename T::template FieldData<N, T>(x);

  // Reflector is a friend of T, so has access to the private member T::number_of_fields
  template<class T>
  struct FieldCounter
    static const int count = T::number_of_fields;

// FieldDispatcher - calls Visitor::visit for each field in T
template<class T, class Visitor>
struct FieldDispatcher
  FieldDispatcher( T& t, Visitor visitor ) :

  template<class FieldIterator>
  void operator()(FieldIterator)
    auto field = Reflector::getFieldData<FieldIterator::value>(t);
    visitor.visit( field );

  T& t;
  Visitor visitor;

template<class T, class Visitor>
void for_each_field(T& t, Visitor visitor)
  typedef boost::mpl::range_c<int, 0, Reflector::FieldCounter<T>::count> FieldList;
  FieldDispatcher<T, Visitor> field_dispatcher( t, visitor );

  // For each field in T, dispatch the visitor to that field
  boost::mpl::for_each<FieldList>( field_dispatcher );

struct PrintNameValueVisitor
  template<class FieldData>
  void visit( FieldData field )
    std::cout << << "=" << field.get() << std::endl;

struct Person
  Person(const char *first_name, int age, const char* street, const char* town) :

    (const char *) first_name,
    (int) age,
    (std::string) street_name,
    (std::string) town

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  Person p("John", 31, "Electric Avenue", "Harrogate" );
  for_each_field(p, PrintNameValueVisitor());

  return 0;




The code above ‘works’ – it satisfies the requirements by providing a way to decorate a struct with metadata that can be used to return the names and values of each field. However, in Visual Studio 2010 and 2012, it produces compiler warnings (due to the macro hackery in TYPE_ONLY) and confuses intellisense (which doesn’t cope with the REFLECTABLE macro). In practical terms, that makes it unsuitable, because the productivity benefits are lost when intellisense and auto-complete stop working.


Filed under C++ Code

C++ pre-processor and decltype references

I’m experimenting with the Boost PP library and found these links useful: C Preprocessor, difference between std::result_of and decltype and name lookup tricks (the latter has a handy trick for declaring return types in a template to workaround name lookup phase issues). The question on StackOverflow that promted me to look at Boost PP was reflection in C++

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Filed under C++

Contactless payment on buses

We are now able to pay by cards enabled with NFC – but what are the chances of paying multiple fares?

TfL warned Oyster card users in an email that they should take care when swiping their wallet against readers if they own more than one NFC-enabled card. “If you present two cards together, the reader will normally reject them both,” said TfL. “But there is a small possibility of payment being taken from a card which you did not intend to use.”

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Filed under Technology

iPhone tricks

I recently found out that you can zoom in on an iPhone camera by pinching the picture and you can take a screen shot by pressing Square + Power together:


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Knight Capital takeover rumours

Knight Capital’s fall from grace was well publicised after a software glitch cost them $440 million. Now there’s talk of a takeover.

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Filed under Finance

Vision of touch typing in the future

This alternative keyboard layout would change the amount of travel each finger has to make in order to touch type. The article doesn’t give any figures as to speeds achieved after practice and to be honest I’m not sure you’d gain much over a mini-QWERTY keyboard.

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Filed under Technology

Brett Victor – A Brief Rant on the future of Interaction Design

Brett Victor makes a convincing case that we shouldn’t sell our futures selves short by settling for a limiting future based on “Pictures under Glass”.

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Filed under Technology

Capture-by-Move for lambdas in C++

Marco Arena looks at how to implement move semantics for lambda captures – useful if you wish to capture a large object without using shared_ptr (perhaps to avoid other parties mutating the object outside the lambda).

John Bandela proposed an alternative approach.

All very interesting, but as the comments suggest, it’s best to introduce an extra parameter to the lambda and use std::bind:

function CreateLambda()
  std::vector<Huge> hugeObj;
  // ...preparation of hugeObj...

  auto toReturn = std::bind(
    [](std::vector<Huge>& hugeObj)
    { /*..operate on hugeObj..*/ },

  return toReturn;

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Filed under C++

Introduction to Modern C++ Techniques

Excellent tutorial on a selection of Modern C++ techniques by Michael Caisse.

Topics include:
Policy Based Design
Tag Dispatching
Curious Recurring Template Pattern

This is a two part video series:

and with slides.

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Filed under C++, Video

Why concurrent programming is tough

Raymond Chen relates a story where the debugger obscures the very information that provoked the bug.

Be aware that the value in the crash dump is the value that existed in memory a split second after the crash occurred. During that split second, other things may have happened.

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Filed under Programming